CALL US: 479-970-4050

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Eye Clinic For Animals of Arkansas is a veterinary practice limited to surgery and diseases of the animal eye. With locations in Northwest Arkansas and Little Rock, you can expect convenient service as well as excellent medical and surgical care for your pet. Dr. Hodgson and his team are ready to serve you and your friends with the utmost love and care!

Dr. Hodgson
Dr. Mario Hodgson is a 2002 graduate of Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine. He worked for two years in private practice before accepting a three year ACVO approved residency in Veterinary Opthalmology in 2004. He was awarded the prestigious ACVO Vision for Animals Grant for his work in corneal wound healing in 2005. The culmination of his work in corneal wound healing won him the resident best paper award in 2006 and he completed his residency in 2007.
Dr. Hodgson has been examining eyes and restoring vision since opening his first practice, Eye Clinic for Animals of Sarasota Florida, that same year. He opened the Eye Clinic for Animals or Arkansas in 2013 providing care and compassion throughout the state.

Slit lamp biomicroscopy
Indirect and direct ophthalmoscopy
Corneal and fundic photography
Corneal aesthesiometry
Schirmer tear test, tear film break up time, vital staining of corneal surface
Applanation tonometry
Ocular and orbital ultrasonography
Doppler manometry (blood pressure)
Cataract phacoemulsification and foldable intraocular lens implantation
Corneal conjunctival transposition, conjunctival grafts
Reconstructive and corrective lid surgery
Parotid duct transposition for absolute KCS/dry eye
Replacement of prolapsed Nictitans gland
Enucleation with orbital prosthesis
Evisceration with intraocular prosthesis
Cryosurgery for glaucoma ocular neoplasm, retinal detachment, disctichia, and ectopic cili
Fayetteville, AR
Advanced Veterinary Surgery and Rehabilitation Center
71 Colt Square Drive
Fayetteville 72703
Little Rock, AR
After Hours Emergency Clinic
290 Smokey Lane
North Little Rock
Tel: 479-970-4050
Give us a call today!